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*                      Gadutil.library version 37.10                        *
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*           Copyright � 1994-97 by Staffan H�m�l� and P-O Yliniemi          *
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GadUtil is another gui library which main goal was to make it easy to create
font sensitive user interfaces.  The library has grown away from this main
goal, and become another useful-routine-library.

          Introduction    - Why another GUI creation library ?
          Requirements    - System requirements for this library
          Distribution    - For those who will copy this around
          Installation    - How to install this package

          Features        - A brief list the library's features
          Limitations     - Limitiations (in this version) of GadUtil
          Short history   - Changes since the first release
          Technical Info  - Some technical info about the library
          Pictures        - Some pictures of programs using GadUtil

          Bugs            - Known bugs in current release of GadUtil
          Bug report      - Fill in form for bug reports
          Acknowledgments - People that in some way helped to make this possible
          Authors         - Contact addresses

        Links to other docs (only distributed with developer archive)
          Verbose history - Development history (day by day, English)
          Verbose history - Development history (day by day, Swedish)
          Autodocs        - GadUtil AutoDocs
          Function Index  - GadUtil AutoDocs index


Converted on 19 Jul 1996 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML by Michael Ranner.